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对仔猪急性支气管肺炎,应用链霉素按50-100mg/kg体重的大剂量,两次肌注间隔8-12小时,疗效极佳。尤其是对消除哮喘和恢复异常增多的呼吸次数,效果显著。  相似文献   
The major acute phase proteins (APPs) in cattle are haptoglobin (Hp) and serum amyloid A (SAA), and in swine, are Hp, SAA, C-reactive protein (CRP), and Pig major acute phase protein (Pig-MAP). Many methodologic assays are presently available to measure these parameters, which are still being improved to increase their specificity, sensitivity, user-friendliness, and economic availability. In cattle, the main applications are the diagnosis and monitoring of frequent diseases such as mastitis and metritis in dairy cows and respiratory problems in young calves. In pigs, APPs are useful in the control of bacterial and viral infections, and they may be used at the slaughterhouse to monitor subclinical pathologies and improve food safety. The utility of APP in animal production must not be forgotten; optimization of protocols to improve performance, welfare, and nutrition may benefit from the use of APPs. Other sample types besides serum or plasma have potential uses; APP determination in milk is a powerful tool in the control of mastitis, saliva is a non-invasive sample type, and meat juice is easily obtained at the slaughterhouse. Increasing our knowledge of reference intervals and the influence of variables such as age, breed, sex, and the season is important. Finally, worldwide harmonization and standardization of analytical procedures will help to expand the use of APPs.  相似文献   
通过静态单因子急性毒性试验,表明硫酸铜对泥鳅水花和夏花苗种的24,48,96 h的半致死浓度(LC50)分别为0.702,0.587,0.509 mg/L和1.810,1.412,1.270 mg/L,安全浓度分别为0.05,0.13 mg/L;硫酸亚铁对泥鳅水花和夏花苗种的24,48,96 h的半致死浓度(LC50)分别为12.472,9.819,8.297 mg/L和24.876,19.024,16.833 mg/L,安全浓度分别为0.83,1.68 mg/L;戊二醛对泥鳅水花和夏花苗种的24,48,96 h的半致死浓度(LC50)分别为13.286,13.264,12.319 mg/L和45.101,42.701,40.547 mg/L,安全浓度分别为1.23,4.05 mg/L;氧化钙对泥鳅水花和夏花苗种的24,48,96 h的半致死浓度(LC50)分别为102.609,102.299,98.815 mg/L和119.345,117.288,114.305 mg/L,安全浓度分别为9.88,11.43 mg/L。在泥鳅苗种阶段,药物敏感性由大到小依次为硫酸铜、硫酸亚铁、戊二醛、氧化钙。  相似文献   
Serum amyloid A (SAA) has become an indispensable part of the management of equine patients in general practice and specialized hospital settings. Although several proteins possess acute phase properties in horses, the usefulness of SAA exceeds that of other acute phase proteins. This is due to the highly desirable kinetics of the equine SAA response. SAA concentrations exhibit a rapid and pronounced increase in response to inflammation and a rapid decline after the resolution of inflammation. This facilitates the detection of inflammatory disease and real-time monitoring of inflammatory activity. SAA may be used in all stages of patient management: (1) before diagnosis (to rule in/rule out inflammatory disease), (2) at the time of diagnosis (to assess the severity of inflammation and assist in prognostication), and (3) after diagnosis (to monitor changes in inflammatory activity in response to therapy, with relapse of disease, or with infectious/inflammatory complications). By assessing other acute phase reactants in addition to SAA, clinicians can succinctly stage inflammation. White blood cell counts and serum iron concentration change within hours of an inflammatory insult, SAA within a day, and fibrinogen within 2–3 days; the interrelationship of these markers thus indicates the duration and activity of the inflammatory condition. Much research on the equine SAA response and clinical use has been conducted in the last decade. This is the prerequisite for the evidence-based use of this analyte. However, still today, most published studies involve a fairly low number of horses. To obtain solid evidence for use of SAA, future studies should be designed with larger sample sizes.  相似文献   
研究三氯生对红白鲫的急性毒性和遗传毒性作用,为分析评价三氯生对鱼类的生态安全性提供相应的毒理学资料。试验在规格为58 cm×28 cm×36 cm的玻璃水族箱中进行,红白鲫体长6.8~7.5 cm。采用半静态染毒法,设置不同浓度梯度的三氯生染毒组以及空白对照组和二甲基亚砜溶剂对照组,分别进行为期96 h的急性毒性试验和14 d的遗传毒性试验,观察记录死亡数,统计血红细胞微核率和核异常率。三氯生对红白鲫的96 h LC50为1 111.9μg/L。TCS染毒处理14 d后,红白鲫红细胞核异常的情况明显增多,主要是细胞质中有1~2个微核,其他常见核异常为红细胞核质外凸、核质内凹及核内空泡化;空白对照组和溶剂对照组之间核异常比率无显著差异(P0.05),而三氯生暴露各浓度组(600.0、690.0、793.5μg/L)核异常比率均极显著高于对照组(P0.01),且呈现明显的剂量-效应关系。研究表明,三氯生对红白鲫具有潜在的遗传毒性,且毒性效应在特定条件下随着暴露浓度的增加而增强。  相似文献   
AIM:To investigate the role of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38MAPK) signaling pathway in the Kupffer cells (KCs) production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α) and interleukin-1β(IL-1β), in severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) rats.METHODS:Sprague-Dwaley rats were randomized into three groups:①sham operation rats, ②SAP rats, ③SAP rats given the p38 MAPK inhibitor CNI-1493(10 mg/kg, iv). The SAP model was induced by the bili-pancreatic duct infusion with 5% sterile soduim taurocholate solution. Rats from each group were killed at 12 h after sham operation or SAP and Kupffer cells (KCs) were isolated. The mRNA expressions of TNF-α and IL-1β (by quantitative real-time RT-PCR) and p38 MAPK activity (by Western blot analysis) in KCs were examined. The levels of TNF-α and IL-1β in plasma were determined by ELISA.RESULTS:There was a significant acvitation of p38 MAPK in KCs harvested from SAP rats than those from sham operation rats. SAP also promoted the mRNA expressions of TNF-α and IL-1β in KCs and the plasma levels of TNF-α and IL-1β. These events were significantly inhibited by treatment with CNI-1493.CONCLUSIONS:p38 MAPK activation is one important aspect of the signaling events that may mediate the KCs production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, TNF-α and IL-1β, in SAP rats. The inhibition of the p38 MAPK may be a potential target in the prevention and treatment of SAP.  相似文献   
目的 :观察急性心肌梗死患者冠状动脉支架植入术的近期疗效。方法 :4 8例急性心肌梗死 (AMI)患者 ,胸痛发作至介入治疗时间 (4 .1± 3.1)h,行急诊冠状动脉造影 ,证实冠状动脉闭塞 ,仅对梗死相关血管行支架植入。结果 :全组 4 8例术后即刻血管再通恢复心肌梗死溶栓试验为 3级者 4 3例 (93.7% )、2级者 5例 ,1例术中死于继发性心室颤动。4 8例中在梗死相关血管开通后出现心室颤动 10例 (2 0 .1% ) ,1例术后 2周后因再次心肌梗死死亡。植入术后存活的 4 6例术后随访 (8.2± 3.6 )月 ,无 1例再发生心脏事件。结论 :急性心肌梗死行冠状动脉支架术能成功挽救频死的心肌 ,能有效降低病死率。  相似文献   
A retrospective analysis was conducted of all feline necropsies performed during a nine year period to identify cases of sever, acute, centrilobular (periacinar), hepatic necrosis (ACHN). After exclusion of cats with anemia, a series of seven cases of ACHN was identified. In addition, two similar cases were identified from tissue submitted for histopathology following, and eight had bile duct hyperplasia. Seven of the nine cats received diazepam prior to dath, and one received zolazepam. Of the seven cats that received diazepam, five were healthy prior to treatment and received oral diazepam for the treatment of inappropriate urination, intercat aggression, or skin disease. Two cats which received diazepam exhibited other clinical signs: one had chronic vomiting, and the other received diazepam after biochemical evidence of hepatocellular necrosis was present. Onset of clinical sings in cats receiving oral diazepam occurred 7–13 days following the initiation of treatment. Clinical signs and clinical biochemical analysis were compatible with severe hepatocellular necrosis and acute liver failure. All cats had lesions in other organs: five had pancreatic disease, five had cardiac disease, and five had renal disease. All cats died, or were euthanized, within 4 dyas of the onset of clinical signs and 2 days after presentation to a veterinarian. Fatal, acute, centrilobular hepatic necrosis appears to be a serious adverse reaction to diazepam therapy in certain cats.  相似文献   
桑蚕雄蛾与药食两用的中药配制成的桑蚕雄蛾酒,经小鼠的急性毒性试验和应激能力(包括缺氧试验、高温试验和游泳试验)试验表明:桑蚕雄蛾酒的安全性极高;应激能力的提高与对照相比,均达到显著水平(P<0.05)  相似文献   
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